Join: The Wall of Joy

If you would like me to publish your child’s name on The Wall of Joy, please fill out the form below.


  • There’s no limitations or qualifications. If you are a parent who has lost a child of any age at any point in time, you are welcome to add their name here.
  • You should see a “confirmation message” at the bottom of the screen, if the form submits successfully.
  • Note: only the Name, Hometown, and Date(s) will be published on The Wall of Joy (your name and email will remain private).
  • Please read the Disclaimer/Terms of Service at the bottom of this page.
  • If you have other questions, please check out the FAQs
Join The Wall of Joy
Please double check that all information is spelled accurately.
Ex: Morgan James Koch, Morgan Koch, Morgan, Tater Tot, Baby Koch, Baby K
Ex: day of birth, day of death, or both. (11/26/18 or 11/26/18-12/01/18)
Ex: Wichita, KS. (This is simply a fun tidbit that I hope will build a sense of community.)
This is ONLY in case I need to send you a followup email (ex: verify spelling).
Just in case I need to email you, I'd like to address you by name 🙂

Disclaimer/Terms of Service:

  • By submitting the form (above), You (the parent) are acknowledging the following:
    • That You are giving me (Lauren Koch) permission to publish Your Child’s name, Hometown, and Date(s) (if applicable) on this Memorial (The Wall of Joy).
    • That this Memorial is purely voluntary.
    • That You understand the public nature of this Memorial.
    • If at any time You discover an error in Your Child’s information, or would like Your Child removed from the Memorial, please contact me.
  • In order to protect the memories of our children, I (Lauren Koch) reserve the right to not publish any submissions that I feel are illegitimate (pranks, jokes, etc). The Wall of Joy is a serious Memorial to honor the memories of dearly missed children. But since this is a public website, I realize there’s a chance that someone may not take this seriously.

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