FAQ: The Wall of Joy

Please read the following FAQ’s to see if your question is already answered. If your question is not addressed below, feel free to contact me and I will get back with you as soon as I am able. Please put “Wall of Joy QUESTION” in the message subject.

Q: If I have lost multiple children, can I add them all to the Wall of Joy?

A: Yes, of course! Please submit the form once for each child.

Q: How do I know that you received my submission?

A: If the form submits successfully, you will see a confirmation window at the bottom of the screen with a message from me. (“Thank you for submitting ….”)

Q: What if I didn’t receive the confirmation window/message?

A: If the confirmation window does not show up, your form may not have submitted properly, and you should try again. If the second time doesn’t work, please contact me. In the message, let me know your child’s name, your hometown, and your child’s important date(s).

Note: Please put “Wall of Joy QUESTION” in the message subject.

Q: Why do I have to enter my email address?

A: The only reason I ask for your email address is in case I need to ask you a followup question about your child. (Ex: if I need to verify spelling or something.) This will NOT subscribe you to anything, I will not save your email address or add it to my subscription list, and I will not share it with anyone EVER.

Note: If you want to follow My Slice of Joy (receive email notifications about new blog posts), enter your email in the “Subscribe to My Slice of Joy” form located in the right side panel (on desktop) or at the bottom of the page (on mobile).

Note: If you would like to join the My Slice of Joy Fan Club and receive exclusive updates, newsletters, and promotions, click here to become a Fan.

Q: I submitted my child’s information, but don’t see them on the Wall of Joy.

A: I will try to update the Wall of Joy on a weekly basis with the latest submissions. If your child’s name does not show up on the Wall of Joy within a week, please contact me. Let me know your child’s name (and location/date information, if you included it) and I will verify that I received the form submission…you never know, sometimes technology fails.

Note: Do not submit the form again, please just contact me directly. Also, please put “Wall of Joy QUESTION” in the message subject.

Q: Do I have to give you all of this extra information like where I’m from or when my child was born/died?

A: The only required field on the form is the Name. The Hometown and Dates fields are optional, but may help you find your child on the Wall of Joy (which may grow to be quite long over time).

Q: What if we didn’t name our child because they died before we knew the gender?

A: No full name is necessary – just put whatever nickname you use to refer to your baby. Ex: “Baby Koch” or “Tater Tot”.

Note: You don’t even have to put your last name, if you don’t want to. (Ex: Morgan instead of Morgan Koch.) I made sure the form’s “name field” was flexible so that you could format your child’s name how ever you want!

Q: A friend or relative of mine lost their child… could I add their child to the Wall of Joy as a “surprise/gift”?

A: As sweet of a gesture as this is, I would prefer for the parents to submit their child’s name themselves. Their child’s name is personal information. So it would probably be best for you to make sure that they are comfortable with their child’s name being listed on a public website. Their grieving style may be more private than mine is, and I would hate for this memorial to be a source of pain or awkwardness when it’s intended to be a source of joy and remembrance.

Q: My child’s information was published incorrectly on the Wall of Joy – how do I correct this?

A: I aim to be accurate and respectful with all of your child’s information. If you notice a typo, please contact me and I will fix it ASAP. In the message, please give me your child’s complete information – JUST as it’s shown on the Wall of Hope (so I can find them on the list) – and then point out what needs correcting. Please be specific so I can correct my mistake.

Note: Please put “Wall of Joy EDIT” in the message subject.

Q: I changed my mind – can my child’s name be removed from the Wall of Joy?

A: Yes, of course. Your child’s name and memory are yours to do with as you wish. Please contact me with your child’s complete information – JUST as it’s shown on the Wall of Joy (so I can find them on the list) – and I will remove them.

Note: Please put “Wall of Joy REMOVE” in the message subject.

If your question is not addressed above, feel free to contact me and I will get back with you as soon as I am able. Please put “Wall of Joy – QUESTION” in the message subject.

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