Facebook Memory 12/03/18: Morgan’s Birth & Death Announcement

I originally shared the content below on my Facebook profile (on the date in the Title). To understand more about the “Facebook Memory” posts, please read About: This Blog. Click here to see a full list of the Morgan Facebook Memories.

Andrew and I are living out our worst nightmare.

Morgan James was born Monday via C-section. Due to some complications, he had to be taken to the NICU where he presented with some small seizures. Doctors did various tests. They determined that he was temporarily deprived of oxygen due to some unknown and unforeseeable “event” in-utero a day or so before delivery. This caused the majority of his brain to swell and be compromised. We were told it would be a matter of days before he would leave us.

Andrew and I had four and a half bittersweet days with him during which we got to memorize every detail of his perfect face. We held him in our arms during his last moments before God called him Home early Saturday morning.

Morgan may be able to donate a heart valve. If it is viable, it could help up to two children. If it’s not, it’ll be donated to research. Both are worthy purposes. But please pray it is viable so Morgan’s short life may have a big impact on another child’s life.

We’d appreciate prayers as we figure out how to navigate this new reality. We know God loves us and loves Morgan. We know that salvation through Christ means we will see Morgan again in heaven. But we are also unbelievably broken and unsure how life works after this.

It’s hard for us to make a public announcement like this, but it’s important to us that people know Morgan was here, however briefly. That being said, we do request some privacy as we grieve and process. (For now, please limit condolences to comments on this post or cards in the mail, instead of texts or calls.) We are having a private service for Morgan later this week.

Also, please read the letter we attached to the photos that expresses our wishes in honoring Morgan’s short time here on Earth. Lastly, enjoy the photos of our precious little angel. We may be biased, but we think he is pretty much the most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen.

Photo Credits:

©Lauren Koch | My Slice of Joy

About Lauren Koch

Welcome to My Slice of Joy, a blog where I’ll share a little bit of everything going on in my life. I aim to be real, vulnerable, and authentic in sharing my journey as a wife, mom, bereaved parent, and follower of Christ. I love the simple joys in life: strong coffee, good books, fluffy corgis, and the smell of rain.

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