I originally shared the content below on my Facebook profile (on the date in the Title). To understand more about the “Facebook Memory” posts, please read About: This Blog. Click here to see a full list of the Morgan Facebook Memories.
I’m thankful for my family and friends who have reached out to me today in various forms – texts, pictures, cards, and even flowers. I really appreciate the love and support. It’s hard to feel like a mom on Mother’s Day when my arms are empty. There’s a inescapable heaviness. A mix of sorrow and joy. Mostly sorrow. But glimmers of joy peak through.
I like the saying, “grief is just love with no place to go.” The presence of absence. I only feel this sorrow because of the great love I will always have for Morgan. I wouldn’t trade away the pain and sorrow because that would mean trading away the love and joy, too. And a mom can’t stop loving her child.
Major shout-out for Andrew, who has been going the extra mile to make sure I have a relaxing day – making me extra crispy bacon with our pancakes this morning, making me coffee even though he doesn’t drink it himself, doing the grocery shopping so I could stay in my PJs all day, planning and making a yummy dinner for us tonight, and generally being the bestest hubby ever.
I got a couple meaningful things this Mother’s Day to remember Morgan. Andrew got me a mother’s ring (I picked it out, but he got it for me). It’s Morgan’s birth stone (yellow topaz / citrine) surrounded by leaves – I thought it fit well with the “growing/hope” theme associated with Morgan’s tree… Ergo my super artsy picture with it on the tree. 🙂

My parents got me a wind chime. It plays the notes found in the beginning measures of Amazing Grace. We hung it on the front porch. It’s a gorgeous day outside, so I’ve had the windows open all day and I can hear it from nearly every room of the house.
Love you, baby boy. Thanks for making me a mama.