Facebook Memory 04/01/19: Joy and Pain

I originally shared the content below on my Facebook profile (on the date in the Title). To understand more about the “Facebook Memory” posts, please read About: This Blog. Click here to see a full list of the Morgan Facebook Memories.

Since losing Morgan, I’ve experienced a handful of instances that were “too meaningful to be mere coincidences.” This memory is one of them.

©Lauren Koch | My Slice of Joy

I remember the joy of this day so clearly. It’s the day we found out we were pregnant. Even though it was too early to share the news publicly, I wanted to post something on Facebook so my future Facebook Memories would remind me of how happy that day was.

So I shared the worship lyrics that we sang at Easter service that morning. I sang them so excitedly – praising God for finally answering our prayers for a baby! It felt “right” to share these lyrics as my happy Facebook Memory post to mark the occasion of finding out we were parents. But I was only focused on the “joy comes in the morning” part.

Turns out these lyrics were “right” back then – and they’re especially “right” today. I ended up posting exactly what my “future self” needed to hear today, one year later. I refuse to think that’s a coincidence.

My circumstances change, but my God never changes. His love is the same in both the darkness of trials and the joy of blessings.

About Lauren Koch

Welcome to My Slice of Joy, a blog where I’ll share a little bit of everything going on in my life. I aim to be real, vulnerable, and authentic in sharing my journey as a wife, mom, bereaved parent, and follower of Christ. I love the simple joys in life: strong coffee, good books, fluffy corgis, and the smell of rain.

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